ACLU Internship 2024 – ACLU Jobs

ACLU Internship

For individuals passionate about social justice and dedicated to fighting for civil liberties, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) offers a unique and rewarding opportunity through its internship program. With a rich history of defending and preserving the rights and liberties of all individuals, the ACLU provides a supportive and engaging environment for interns to learn, grow, and make a lasting impact.

The Benefits of Doing Internships at ACLU:

Interning at the ACLU can be a transformative experience for aspiring professionals seeking to make a difference in the world. However, the benefits of ACLU internships are manifold, ranging from practical skills development to networking opportunities within the field of civil liberties.

First and foremost, ACLU internships offer hands-on experience in real-world legal and advocacy work. Interns are given the chance to work closely with professionals who are at the forefront of social justice, allowing them to gain invaluable insights into the day-to-day operations of an organization dedicated to defending civil liberties.

Furthermore, ACLU internships provide a nurturing environment that fosters personal and professional growth. Interns are encouraged to take on challenging projects, voice their opinions, and contribute to meaningful initiatives. Through regular mentorship and guidance, interns develop critical thinking, research, and communication skills that are essential for success in the field of civil rights.

Interns at the ACLU also have the privilege of working alongside other dedicated individuals who share their passion for social justice. Hence this collaborative environment allows for the exchange of ideas and the opportunity to form lasting professional connections.

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Internship Details:

  • Internship Placement: United States
  • Host: ACLU
  • Education Level: Depends on the Selected Internship
  • Deadline: Different for Each Internship Position

What Are the Available Internships at ACLU?

The ACLU offers a wide range of internships, catering to diverse interests and skill sets. Whether you are interested in legal advocacy, policy research, communications, or grassroots organizing, the ACLU has an internship to suit your passion.

Legal internships at the ACLU provide aspiring attorneys with a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in civil rights litigation. Working closely with experienced ACLU attorneys, interns assist with case preparation, legal research, and writing memos. This invaluable experience offers an inside look into the intricacies of litigating civil rights cases and helps build a strong foundation for a career in law.

For those interested in policy research and analysis, the ACLU offers policy internships where individuals can delve deep into a specific area of civil liberties. Interns are involved in conducting research, drafting reports, and analyzing legislation. Hence this experience enables interns to understand the complex intersection of policy-making and civil rights advocacy.

The ACLU also offers internships focused on communications and media relations. Interns in this track work closely with the communications team to strategize and execute communications campaigns, write press releases, and manage social media platforms. However, these internships provide valuable hands-on experience in shaping public perception and amplifying the ACLU’s message.

Application Process:

The application process for ACLU internships is rigorous but worth it. Interested individuals are required to submit a resume, cover letter, and a writing sample. The writing sample should showcase the applicant’s ability to analyze complex issues and articulate a persuasive argument.

Selected applicants will then be invited for an interview to assess their passion for civil liberties, their level of commitment, and their potential for growth within the organization. Hence Click Here to apply for the internship.


The ACLU internship program is an exceptional opportunity for individuals passionate about social justice to contribute to a cause greater than themselves. Interns gain invaluable skills, form lasting connections, and develop a deep understanding of the complexities of civil liberties advocacy.

If you are committed to defending civil liberties and fighting for justice, ACLU internships are the perfect platform to launch your career in the field of social justice. Apply today and join the ranks of those who dare to challenge the status quo and forge a more inclusive and equitable society for all.

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