The Air Liquide Group is a French company that is the world’s largest supplier of industrial gases. The company has been in operation for many years and is present in over eighty countries. Air Liquide offers a number of internship opportunities for students and recent graduates who are looking to gain experience in the industrial gas industry.

Applying for internships with Air Liquide is a competitive process. In order to increase your chances of being selected for an internship, it is important to understand the company’s culture and values.

However, Read: Edward Jones Internship.

Internship Details:

  • Internship Placement: France
  • Host: Air Liquide
  • Education Level: Depends on the Selected Internship
  • Deadline: Different for Each Internship Position

What is Air Liquide?

Air Liquide is the world’s largest supplier of industrial gases, providing a range of products and services to sector-leading companies across the globe. The company was founded in the past in France and currently serves more than three million customers in many countries.

The Air Liquide Group offers a range of industrial gases and related services, including pure gases such as oxygen, nitrogen, argon, and hydrogen, as well as specialty gases such as fluorine, helium, and carbon dioxide. In addition, the company provides gas equipment and industrial services, including process optimization, on-site production facilities, and technology services for food and beverage.

What are the benefits of internships with Air Liquide?

Air Liquide provides a number of benefits to interns, including:

  • Gain exposure to international markets – As Air Liquide operates in many countries, interns will have the opportunity to gain an understanding of international markets and the different challenges they bring.
  • Learn real-world skills – Air Liquide interns gain hands-on experience in a range of fields, including marketing, engineering, finance, and more.
  • Develop industry contacts – Through working with professionals in the industry, interns develop valuable contacts that can help them advance their careers in the future.
  • Enhance leadership and communication skills – Through working in a professional environment, interns develop important soft skills, such as the ability to communicate effectively with colleagues and take on challenges.
  • Access to global career opportunities – Air Liquide offers internships in countries around the world, giving interns the opportunity to experience different cultures and gain a better understanding of the global business world.

Who is eligible to apply for an internship with Air Liquide?

All individuals with a bachelor’s degree or higher and who meet the following criteria are eligible to apply for internships with Air Liquide:

  • Demonstrated academic excellence – Applicants must provide evidence of academic excellence, including proof of high academic performance.
  • Creativity, innovation, and initiative – Air Liquide looks for applicants who demonstrate creativity, innovation, and initiative when tackling projects.
  • Passion for learning – Candidates should also demonstrate a commitment to learning and personal development.
  • Language abilities – In order to succeed in an international environment, applicants should possess excellent English language skills and preferably a good knowledge of another language.
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills – The ideal candidate will have strong interpersonal skills and demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively with colleagues.

Application Process:

To apply for internships with Air Liquide, candidates should visit the Air Liquide Careers website and submit a resume and cover letter.

When submitting a resume and cover letter, applicants should provide an overview of their education, relevant experience, and skills. The candidate should also describe why they are interested in interning at Air Liquide. Candidates should use their cover letter to explain why they are an ideal fit for the internship opportunity. They should also include examples of relevant work experience and any community involvement to demonstrate their passion for learning and personal development.

For the best chances of being selected for Air Liquide internships, applicants should be sure to proofread their cover letters and resumes and make sure they are accurate and error-free. The applicant should also demonstrate their creativity, initiative, and enthusiasm for learning. They should also research the company and take the time to understand its mission and values to better explain why they would be a good fit for the position. Hence Click Here to apply online for the paid internships at Air Liquide.


It is important to research the Air Liquide internships before applying in order to increase your chances of success. Be sure to proofread your application materials and demonstrate your creativity, initiative, and enthusiasm for learning.

In addition, it is important to understand Air Liquide’s mission and values in order to demonstrate you would be a good fit for the opportunity. Interviews are typically done over the phone, in person, or via video, and it is important to arrive prepared and display strong interpersonal skills.

By following these tips, as well as taking the time to submit your best application possible, you will increase your chances of being offered an Air Liquide Internship. Best of luck in your pursuit!

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