Extreme Networks Internship 2024

Extreme Networks Internship - internshipcorners.com

Once you accept an offer to the Extreme Networks internship program, you will receive written confirmation of your placement and the start dates. Extreme Networks offers an eight-week summer program which may be extended depending on the project and the intern’s performance.

Extreme Networks takes pride in its career program as it offers real work opportunities that provide students with hands-on experience in their chosen field. Mentorship is a major part of the program, allowing interns to learn from the best and brightest in the industry. The interns are paired with a core team from the beginning and throughout the semester.

During the program, the interns will obtain valuable skills and experience, such as coding, developing applications, developing data models, participating in their research and development projects, and working with their teams. The interns will have the opportunity to apply what they have learned to real work experience and learn about Extreme Networks’ process and strategy for decision-making.

At the end of the internships, Extreme Networks has the interns prepare a final presentation to review the projects they have worked on, the skills they have gained, and the value they have provided during the program. The internships provide a great platform to put yourself ahead of the game, learn skills, and get exposure to a potential employer.

Internship Details:

  • Host: Extreme Networks
  • Internship Placement: United States
  • Education Level: Depends on the Selected Internship
  • Deadline: Different for Each Internship Position

Hence Read: Pega Internship.

The People:

One of the most important parts of the Extreme Networks experience for me was getting to interact with people. Everyone was friendly, encouraging, and helpful in the workplace, from my mentor to the CEO of the company. I learned the value of collaboration, respect for colleagues, and understanding the importance of teamwork.

At the end of each project, the team gets together for a quick debrief on what was learned and what needs to be improved. By listening to different perspectives on the same project and understanding how each team member contributes, I gained significant insight into the dynamics of teamwork.

The management team at Extreme Networks is also very welcoming and knowledgeable. Everyone was willing to answer our questions and provide encouragement and guidance. I learned a lot from their experience and was able to apply it to my job roles.

All in all, the experience I gained at Extreme Networks was invaluable. It gave me a better understanding of the work culture and enabled me to gain practical experience in the field of networking and software development.

The Culture:

The culture at Extreme Networks is one of inclusion and respect. Everyone is there to build each other up instead of tearing them down. No one was judged for their background, education, or experience.

The culture at Extreme Networks is focused on collaboration, teamwork, and open communication. Everyone was encouraged to contribute to the team and their ideas and opinions were respected and appreciated. Everyone was also encouraged to take risks and be creative in order to come up with innovative solutions.

The culture at Extreme Networks also emphasizes the importance of diversity and inclusivity. People from various backgrounds were made to feel welcome and valued. Overall, the culture at Extreme Networks was highly encouraging and collaborative, which made it a great place to intern. The internships at Extreme Networks provided me with valuable lessons, insights, and experience in the workplace, which I continue to carry with me to this day.

Application Process:

The Extreme Networks internship program emphasizes hiring the best talent from all backgrounds. The applications are open to current undergraduate and graduate students and alumni of accredited colleges and universities.

The application process requires candidates to submit a resume, transcript, and two letters of recommendation. The team at Extreme Networks also looks for evidence of leadership, academic excellence, and passion for the industry.

In addition to the standard application materials, Extreme Networks also encourages applicants to submit a portfolio or other examples of past work. By submitting their own work, applicants can show their creative abilities and give the application team an idea of their technical skills and abilities.

If you are accepted into the program, you will receive an offer with the internship details, the start and end dates, and the pay rate. You will also be given the job description and expectations, so be sure to read them carefully. Hence Click Here to apply.


Hence I can honestly say I’ve had the best internship experience at Extreme Networks. I was able to make great connections with the management, the intern mentors, and my co-interns. Furthermore, I learned a lot about the company and was exposed to several high-impact initiatives. What I particularly liked about Extreme Networks was the “give first” mentality, which inspired me every day.

The most useful experience I gained from my internship was the company’s “agile principles”. This ensured that there was clarity in the work, making it easier to manage the tasks, and there was transparency. Agile principles also helped me learn more about the software engineering process and provided an understanding of how to deliver high-quality products quickly.

Overall, my experience of being an intern at Extreme Networks was invaluable and I would not have had this experience anywhere else. It has provided me with valuable insight into the working world, and I’m proud to be a part of this company.

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