OECD Internship In France 2024

OECD Internship - internshipcorners.com

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international organization that works to promote economic growth and global trade. The OECD is made up of many member countries, including France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Each year, the OECD offers internship opportunities to students from its member countries. These internships provide students with the opportunity to gain valuable work experience in an international organization.

The OECD offers internships to students who are interested in working for the organization. Interns are placed in the various OECD offices in France and are given the chance to gain knowledge and practice the work of the OECD. The internships run for six months, with the possibility of being extended up to 12 months if requested. The internships are paid and provide the students with access to the organization’s library, internet, and other facilities.

The OECD also offers joint internships, where two interns work together toward the achievement of a project. Internships at the OECD offer the opportunity to learn from experienced professionals in the field and to contribute to the work of the organization. Interns are given access to the knowledge and resources of the OECD and are expected to take an active role in their work. The opportunities range from policy-oriented research to statistical analysis and administrative support. The internships also provide the opportunity to work in a multilingual environment with colleagues from all over the world.

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The Internship Experience at OECD

Interns at the OECD in France work with professionals in their field, while also learning from their colleagues and supervisors. During their internship, they will be given tasks and assignments to help them to acquire new skills and to gain an understanding of the organization’s work. Interns also have the opportunity to network with their peers from other countries and to attend seminars and events organized by the OECD. They will also get the chance to explore France and the local culture. Interns may also be offered the opportunity to visit the headquarters of the OECD in Paris. In addition, interns will be presented with the opportunity to attend meetings with senior staff and to attend policy meetings. Such meetings will provide interns with the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the workings of the OECD and to gain insight into global economic policies from first-hand experience.

Tips for a Successful Internship

For a successful internship at the OECD in France, there are a few important tips to keep in mind. Firstly, it is important to keep track of deadlines and to be responsive to any requests from the organization. It is also important to show enthusiasm for the work and to network with other interns and colleagues. It is also important to take initiative in your work and to stay updated on any changes in policy or the organization.

Additionally, it is important to be flexible and to be willing to tackle any tasks or assignments given to you. Furthermore, interns should be highly organized and should arrive to work on time. Finally, it is important to enjoy the experience and to get the most out of it. Interns should take the opportunity to attend any relevant events and take advantage of any opportunities to gain knowledge and skills from the experts.

Internship Details:

  • Internship Placement: France
  • Company: OECD
  • Education Level: Graduate, Undergraduate

Applications Process:

The application process for the OECD internships in France is fairly straightforward. Prospective interns must send an up-to-date CV and a cover letter outlining their reasons for applying for the internship. The cover letter should explain why the candidate is interested in the internship and what they believe they can contribute to the organization. The selection process will also include an interview, which will involve the applicant explaining their motivation and outlining their skills and abilities. The interview is conducted through Skype and will also include questions about the candidate’s knowledge of the OECD and its work. During the interview, applicants may be asked to discuss a policy issue or to provide an example of how they would approach a particular problem. Hence Click Here to apply.


An internship at the OECD in France is a great opportunity for students to gain international work experience and to gain an understanding of international economic policies. The application process and internship experience require diligence and enthusiasm, but the rewards of working at the organization can be well worth the effort. Interns will have the opportunity to acquire new skills, deepen their understanding of global economics, and network with colleagues around the world. By applying the tips outlined here, interns can ensure that their time at the OECD is a successful and rewarding experience.

Overall, internships at the OECD in France are a fantastic opportunity for students looking to gain experience in international economics and make valuable contacts. Whether it is in Paris or any of the other OECD offices, internships at the OECD will provide an excellent opportunity for interns to learn and grow in a professional environment.

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